Explore Past GavranFest Editions

Here is a list of all past GavranFest editions since 2003.

Nov 2024

The 15th GavranFest, an international theatre festival dedicated to Miro Gavran, took place in Munich’s Team Theatre from November 21 to 24. Theatres from Croatia, Germany, and Austria participated.

GavranFest, which was launched in 2003 in Trnava, Slovakia, had been held in five countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Serbia). This year’s festival was organized by the Croatian House in Munich, with producers dr. Neda Caktaš (president of the Croatian House Munich) and Dragan Čotić (Vice President of the Croatian House Munich). After two editions in Augsburg, the festival returned to Germany for the third time, this time in the heart of Munich.

Grand opening of the 15th GavranFest in Munich, ©Dragan Vidovic
Dr. Neda Caktaš, President of the Croatian House Munich, organizer and selector of the 15th GavranFest in Munich, ©Dragan Vidovic
Author Miro Gavran, ©Dragan Vidovic
Mr. Tihomir Glowatzky, Miro Gavran's translator into German, ©Dragan Vidovic
Mr. Dragan Cotic and dr. Neda Caktas, organizers and selectors of the 15th GavranFest in Munich, ©Dragan Vidovic
The audience at the opening of the 15th GavranFest, ©Dragan Vidovic
Producer and selector of GavranFest in Prague Mr. Frantisek Karoch, Creative producer at Gavran Theater and Miro Gavran's P. A. Antonia Furjan, selector and organiser of 15th GavranFest in Munich Dragan Cotic, author Miro Gavran

Festival Programme:

November 21

  • Opening of the festival
  • "The Doll" by LeBe Theater from Graz, Austria

Nikolaus Lechthaler and Rosie Belic in "The Doll"

November 22

  • "Agency for " (ger. Glücksagentur) by Gavran Theater from Zagreb, Croatia

Nevena Vukes, Mirel Huskic and Kristina Krepela in "Agency for Happiness"

November 23

  • "Ice Cream" by DUO68 from Isny, Germany

Hille Birmelin and Simone Uetz in "Ice-Cream"

November 24

  • Concert reading of the drama "Creon’s Antigone" – performed by The festival ensemble of the 15th GavranFest
  • Literary evening – Miro Gavran presents six of his books published in German, moderated by translator Tihomir Glowatzky
Author Miro Gavran and his translator Tihomir Glowatzky presenting Mr. Gavran's six books in German, © Blerim Shatri
Horst Wüst and Petra Michelle Nérette in "Creon's Antigone", © Blerim Shatri
Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Munich, Vladimir Duvnjak; Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Federal Republic of Germany, Gordan Bakota; actor Horst Wüst; actress Petra Michelle Nérette; Miro Gavran; and President of the Croatian House Munich, Dr. Neda Caktas, © Blerim Shatri
Oct 2023

The 14th GavranFest took place in Prague from October 9 to 14. The festival has been launched 20 years ago, in 2003, in the Slovak city of Trnava, in the Jan Palarik Theater. The festival was opened with the performance of the play "All about men" by the Studio DVA theater from Prague. The selector and organizer of the festival was the Czech producer František Karoch. A selector chose six plays based on Miro Gavran's texts, which were performed by theaters from three countries: the Czech Republic, Germany and Croatia.

Except of the play "All about men", the following plays were performed:

  • „Coffee at Noon“ (CZ: „Na kávičce v poledne“) by GAVRAN Theater from Zagreb, Croatia
  • „The Beer“ (CZ: "Piwo") by Theater Bautzen (Němsko-Serbske ludowe dźiwadło)
  • „My Wife's Husband“ (CZ: „Muž mojí ženy“) by Divadlo na Fidlovačce from Prague
  • „The Perfect Partner“ (CZ:„Dokonalý partner“) by Divadlo Meteora from Vsetín.

Plays "Cofee at Noon" and "The Beer" were translated to Czech in the subtitles. So far, this festival,except Slovakia and the Czech Republic, has also been held in Krakow in Poland, Augsburg in Germany and Belgrade in Serbia.

Mar 2022

The 13th GavranFest was held 17 – 19 March 2022 in Senseble Theater in Augsburg, Germany. It’s an international theatre festival with plays by Miro Gavran, Croatian writer.

The festival selectors and organizers Anne Schuster i Sebastian Seidel invited five theatres from three countries, Romania, Germany, Croatia with theatres from Bucharest, Augsburg Munich and Zagreb.

The festival opens with the premiere of ICE CREAM produced by the host
– Senseble Theater.

Along with theatre performances, there will also be a presentation of Gavran’s collection of plays in German called ONE DRAMA AND FOUR COMEDIES in translations by Tihomir Glowatsky, Ljerka Orešković Herrmann and Ludwig Steindorff. There will also be three after-performance talk sessions with the author and ensembles.

Commenting the Festival, Gavran said: ‘I’m incredibly happy to have this Festival in Senseble Theatre after three postponing caused by the pandemic. I’ve been having a wonderful cooperation with this this theatre for fifteen years. I’m looking forward to meet again the actors and directors who worked on my plays, and of course the German audience.”

Festival Programme:

17. 3. 2022. “ICECREAM”, Sensemble Theater, Augsburg, Germany

18. 3. 2022. “CREONT’S ANTIGONE”, Theatre UND SO FORT, Munich, Germany

18. 3. 2022. “COFFEE AT NOON”, GAVRAN Theater, Zagreb, Croatia

19. 3. 2022. “Chekhov Says Good-bye to Tolstoy “, Sensemble Theater Augsburg, Germany

19. 3. 2022. “ALL ABOUT WOMEN” Teatru Arte dell’ Anima, Bucharest, Romania.

Nov 2021

The 12th GavranFest, organized by Czech-Croatian Association, was held in Prague 14th – 17th October 2021 where theatres from four countries performed six Gavran’s plays.

Following the selector and producer František Karoch’s concept, the festival was opened by the hosting theatre STUDIO DVA from Prague with Gavran’s play ALL ABOUT MEN with brand new cast directed by Jana Janekova.

14. 10. 2021. ALL ABOUT MEN, STUDIO DVA, Prague, Czech Republic
16. 10. 2021. THE DOLL, City Theatre Trencin, Trencin, Slovakia
17. 10. 2021. MY WIFE’S HUSBAND, Croatian Theatre Pečuh, Hungary
17. 10. 2021. THE RETURN OF MY WIFE’S HUSBAND, Croatian Theatre
Pécs, Hungary
21. 10. 2021. THE HENPECKED, Southern Czech Theatres, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
15. 12. 2021.  ALL ABOUT MEN, GAVRAN Theater, Zagreb, Croatia, the play was performed dislocated (Pécs) due to the pandemic circumstances.

Oct 2020

After Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic and Germany, the ELEVENTH GAVRANFEST was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from October 22nd to 25th, 2020 at the Madlenianum Theater. The initiator and the director of the festival is Madlen Zepter, and the festival’s selector Ana Zdravković Radivojević inviting the following performances:

  • “Night of the Gods”, Theatre Tri glumca, Belgrade, Serbia
  • “It’s Hard to say Goodbye”, Theatre Vihor, Belgrade, Serbia
  • “Ice-cream”, National theatre Niš, Niš, Srbija
  • “Beer”, Theatre Madlenianum , Belgrade, Serbia  
  • “Hotel Babilon”, Theatre Gavran, Zagreb, Croatia.

Note: Due to the sickness of the actress, the play “It’s Hard to say Goodbye” was performed at the Madlenianum theatre on the February 5th 2021.

Oct 2019

The TENTH international GAVRANFEST was held from the 7th to the 12th of October 2019 in Prague in Czech Republic. Theatres from six countries took part: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Albania, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia. The selector and producer is František Karoch and the festival’s director is Nenad Bojić.

  • 07. 10. 2019. | „All About Women“, Theatre Studio Dva, Praha, Czech
  • 08. 10. 2019. | „Shakespeare and Elizabeth“, City theatre Trenčín, Slovakia
  • 09. 10. 2019. | „Henpecked“ Teatro „Pietro Marko“, Vlora, Albania
  • 10. 10. 2019. | „Ice-Cream“ National theatre Niš, Serbia
  • 11. 10. 2019. | „The Doll“  Theatre Karinthy, Budapest, Hungary
  • 12. 10. 2019. | „How Dad Won Mum” Theatre Žar ptica, Zagreb, Croatia and „The Tycoons“  Theatre Histrion, Zagreb, Croatia.
Feb 2019

The NINTH GAVRANFEST, the international theatre festival which exclusively features plays by the Croatian author Miro Gavran, will take place 1st – 3rd February 2019 in the Sensemble Theatre in Ausburg, Germany. The producers of the festival, Anne Schuester and Sebastian Seidel, have invited five productions from Austria, Croatia and Germany. They have also organised two round tables where directors, actors, theatrologists, and translators will speak about Gavran’s work.

  • 1. 2. 2019.
  • The Doll, Sensemble Theatre (Augsburg, Germany)
  • 2. 2. 2019.
  • Pontius Pilate, Theatre Und So Fort (Munich, Germany)
  • Ice Cream, Theatre Gavran (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • 3. 2. 2019.
  • Beer, Sensemble Theatre, (Augsburg, Germany)
  • Laughing Prohibited, Theatre Center Forum (Vienna, Austria).
Apr 2018

The EIGHT GAVRANFEST held in Prague, Czech Republic from 5th to 9th April 2018. GavranFest is international theatrical festival. GavranFest is a theatre festival dedicated to performing dramas and comedies created by Croatian writer Miro Gavran. This year’s festival will include performances by theatres from Czech Republic, Germanu, Slovakia and Croatia. In addition to theatre performances, promotions of books by Miro Gavran in Czech and German will be arranged, there will be a round table discussion about Gavran’s literary works. It will be hosted by directors, theatrologists , actors, producers and translators who worked with Gavran’s texts.
The festival organizers are the LASTAVICA Association from Prague, Theater STUDIO DVA from Prague, and Theatre NA PRADLE, also from Prague. The festival director is Nenad Bojić. The selector and producer of the festival is František Karoch, who has chosen seven plays this year’s festival:

  • 5. 4. 2018. “George Washington’s Loves”, GavranFest production, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 6. 4. 2018. “The Doll”, Sensemble theater, Augsburg, Germany
  • 7. 4. 2018. “Forget About Hollywood”, Theatre GAVRAN, Zagreb, Croatia
  • “Laughing Prohibited”, Divadlo DIALOG, Plzenj, Czech Republic
  • 8. 4. 2018. “Animal Doctor”, Theatre GAVRAN, Zagreb, Croatia
  • “Wanted – A New Husband”, Divadlo GEDUR, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 9. 4. 2018. “All About Men”, Divadlo Studio DVA, Prague, Czech Republic.
Apr 2017

The SEVENTH GAVRANFEST took place from April 5th to April 10th, 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. The performances by theatres from Bratislava, Prague, Zagreb and Belgrade were included. In addition to theatre performances, promotions of books by Miro Gavran in Czech will be arranged, under the title “New comedies from Croatia and the occasional drama”, translated by Jaroslava Otčenašek and František Karoch; there will be a round table discussion at the Prague Faculty of Philosophy UK, titled “Miro Gavran, the theatre author in a European and global context”, which will be hosted by theatrologists from Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Croatia; Miro Gavran will hold a literary meeting to present his new novel, “A Few Birds and One Sky”; and the festival will host the ceremonial 500th performance of the Gavran comedy “All About Men”, which has already been running for nine years in Prague. The festival organizers are the LASTAVICA Association from Prague, Theater STUDIO DVA from Prague, and PALACE Theater, also from Prague. The festival director is Nenad Bojić. The selector and producer of the festival is František Karoch, who has chosen six plays from five theatres, for this year’s festival:

  • 5.4.2017. “All About Women”, Theater DIVA, Bratislava
  • 6.4.2017. “All About Men”, 500th gala performance, Theater STUDIO DVA, Prague
  • 7.4.2017. “Chekhov Says Good-Bye to Tolstoy”, Company 3D, Prague
  • 8.4.2017. “It’s hard to say goodbye” ,Theater VIHOR, Belgrade (with subtitles in Czech)
  • 9.4.2017. “Beer”, Gavran Theater, Zagreb (with subtitles in Czech)
  • 10.4.2017. “Ice Cream” ,Gavran Theater, Zagreb (with subtitles in Czech).
Apr 2016

The SIXTH GAVRANFEST took place from April 4th to April 8th, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. The festival organizers were famous JÁRA CIMRMAN Theater in Žižkov, the LASTAVICA Association, and Troníček Theater Club, all from Prague. The selector and producer of the festival František Karoch has chosen seven performances from five theaters, for this year’s festival:

  • HOTEL BABYLON, Gavran Theater, Zagreb
  • THE DOLL, Dvorni Divadlo, Hlohovec
  • ICE CREAM, Gavran Theater, Zagreb
  • NO LAUGHING ALLOWED, Theater 3D, Prague
  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, a ceremonial premiere, A. Dvorak Theater, Pribram
  • NIGHT OF THE GOODS, Komorni Činohra, Prague
  • DR. FREUD’S PATIENT, Komorni Činohra, Prague.
Jul 2013

The FIFTH GAVRANFEST took place in July, 2013 in Poland. It was organized by the famed theater LUDOWY of Krakow, whose stage in the city center (Scena Pod Ratuszem/Ratuszem Town Hall) hosted the festival, whose selectors are Jacek Stram, artistic director of Theatre LUDOWY and Anna Wierzchowska Wozniak, Theatre LUDOWY’s dramaturg. Six theatres presented plays by Miro Gavran in six days:

  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, Theatre BADOW, Badow & Theatre Nowy Lodz, Poland
  • HOTEL BABYLON, Theatre LUDOWY, Krakow, Poland
  • DR. FREUD’S PATIENT, Theater GAVRAN, Zagreb, Croatia
  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, Theater LUDOWY, Krakow, Poland
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, Theater LA MY, Prague, Czech Republic
  • MY WIFE’S HUSBAND, Poniedzialek Stage/Primoart Agency, Szczecin, Poland.
Feb 2009

The FOURTH GAVRANFEST took place in February, 2009. Five theatres from five countries took place and the Festival was held over five days. The selector was Emil Nedielka, and the following plays were performed:

  • HENPECKED HUSBANDS, GAVRAN Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia
  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, STUDIO TWO Theatre, Prague, Czech Republic
  • ALL ABOUT MEN, LUDOWY Theatre, Krakow, Poland
  • FORGET HOLLYWOOD, BRETT Theatre, Vienna, Austria
  • ALL ABOUT MEN, Jan Palarik Theatre, Trnava, Slovakia.
Oct 2006

The THIRD GAVRANFEST was held in October, 2006 in Trnava, Slovakia and retainined its international character, so that as well as theatres from Slovakia, theatre companies from the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia were there, while the German S’ensemble Theatre from Augsburg, Germany had to cancel its performance of HOW TO KILL THE PRESIDENTT just before the beginning of the festival… Fifteen theatre companies applied to take part, while the selectors, Michal Babiak and Emil Nedielka, finally invited the following theatres and their productions to participate:

  • ALL ABOUT MEN, Jan Palarik Theatre, Trnava, Slovakia
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, National Theatre, Brno, Czech Republic
  • WANTED A NEW HUSBAND, WEST Theatre, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, Ljubljana City Theatre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • DEATH OF AN ACTOR, Jona¡a Zaborskeho Theatre, Pre¡ovo, Slovakia
  • LAUGHING PROHIBITED, GAVRAN Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia
Oct 2004

The SECOND GAVRANFEST followed in October, 2004 and its selectors, Messrs Babiak and Nedielka, made it an international event, so that theatres from Poland, France, Slovenia and Croatia took part, along with Slovakian theatres. Performances were given of the following plays:

  • ALL ABOUT WOMEN, Jan Palarik Theatre, Trnava, Slovakia
  • CHEKOV SAYS GOOD-BYE TO TOLSTOY, Cheminas Paralleles Theatre and Ecole Florant, Paris, France
  • FORGET ABOUT HOLLYWOOD, Slovakian Chamber Theatre, Martin, Slovakia
  • MY WIFE’S HUSBAND, LUDOWY Theatre, Krakow, Poland
  • CREONT’S ANTIGONE and GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, Slovenian National Theatre, Celje, Slovenia
  • HOW TO KILL THE PRESIDENT, ITD Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia.
Oct 2003

The FIRST GAVRANFEST was held in 2003, with five Slovakian theatre companies taking part, with performances of the following plays:

  • NIGHT OF THE GOODS, Jan Palarik Theatre, Trnava, Slovakia
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, Theater V, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • MY WIFE’S HUSBAND, Jonáš Záborský Theater & Alexander Dukhnovych Theater, Presov, Slovakia
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, Jozef Gregor Tajovský Theatre, Zvolen, Slovakia
  • LOOKING FOR A NEW HUSBAND, The Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Banska Bistrica, Slovakia.

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