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In Čakovec a film titled "Conspirators" based on the play of the same name by Miro Gavran is being filmed

The first scenes of the film "Conspirators," which is being directed by three-time Emmy Award winner Bobby Grubić and based on the play of the same name by Miro Gavran, were shown at Kaptol Boutique Cinema. The presentation of the project was attended by numerous journalists, filmmakers, business people, and dear friends. The story focuses on the tragic demise of Croatian nobles Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan. You can watch the trailer for "Conspirators" at

Announcement of the movie "Conspirators," Kaptol Boutique Cinema, photographer: Marin Vidović (Pixel 29 Film)

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New Editions of Children's and Young Adult Novels by Miro Gavran

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In Čakovec a film titled "Conspirators" based on the play of the same name by Miro Gavran is being filmed

The first scenes of "Conspirators", based on Miro Gavran's play, were shown at Kaptol Boutique Cinema in Zagreb.

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