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Promotion of the 20th edition of the children's novel "Head over Heels in Love"

On Monday, January 29, the Bogdan Ogrizović Library was the venue for the presentation of the 20th edition of the children's novel "Head over Heels in Love" and the 17th edition of the children's novel "How Dad Won Mom". The presentation started at 10 a.m. and was moderated by Marko Hadjur. In the pleasant atmosphere of the library, the children had the opportunity to talk with Miro Gavran, to ask him questions about his work and novels for children. After the talk, the children could take a photo with Miro, but also ask him some of the questions they might not have dared to ask in front of everyone.

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Premiere of the Comedy "My Wife's Husband" at Diyarbakir State Theatre in Turkey

The premiere of Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" took place at the Diyarbakır State Theatre.

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World Premiere of Miro Gavran's Comedy "Coffee at Noon" in State Theater Kayseri

Miro Gavran's comedy "Coffee at Noon" had its world premiere at the State Theatre Kayseri in Turkey.

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Premiere of Gavran's Play George Washington's Loves in Argentina

Miro Gavran's play George Washington's Loves will have its premiere on Sunday, December 7th, at the Croatian Home in Buenos Aires.

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