Chekhov Says Good-bye to Tolstoy
An encounter between two literary giants, Chekhov and Tolstoy, and their wives, revealing the conflicts between their creative philosophies.

The young writer Chekhov and his wife Olga come to visit the estate of the aged writer Tolstoy, where he lives with his wife Sophia. Tolstoy soon tries to seduce the young Olga, while Sophia tries her wiles on the young Chekhov. There is a conflict between the old writer and his young colleague. A play packed with irony, humor, and a feeling of lonesomeness. The play had its premiere at the &TD [Etc.] Theatre in Zagreb in 1990 and has been translated into English, German, Czech, Polish, Slovakian, Macedonian, French, Russian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, Albanian, and Ukrainian. It has had 14 premieres to date.
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